Our Areas of Expertise

Community Sector

Resto Plateau : FR>ENG Translation

Réseau québécois de l’action communautaire autonome (RQ-ACA) : FR>ENG Translation

Conseil du Système alimentaire montréalais /Guichet Unique pour la transition alimentaire (GUTA) : FR>ENG Website translation

Provincial Employment Roundtable (PERT) : ENG>FR Translation of documents for the event: Le langage au service de l’emploi

Cooperation and international development

Association québécoise des organisations en coopération internationale (AQOCI): ENG<>FR Interpretation Justice économique dans l’industrie du textile et de l’habillement, translation of the AQOCI reference framework

Interpares: ESP<>FR, ENG Conference interpretation  Choisir est mon droit/elegir es mi derecho, ENG>FR Translation of the 2020 annual report

Inter-council network-Atlantic council for international cooperation: Interpretation and trilingual translation (ENG, FR, ESP):  Towards A More Decolonial, Anti-Racist and Feminist Public Engagement

Oxfam: English translation of  Fabriqué au Rana Plaza, the comic book (the translation will be published in April, 2023)

Education and research

Feminism, LGBTQ2S+ realities, gender inclusivity

Raison d’art : Portrait X, sexual education for youth, ENG>FR translation of the facilitation material that accompanies the educational app

Life by Selena : FR Transcription of short videos for the Fédération des maisons d’hébergement pour femmes. Link upcoming

Trilingual (ENG, ESP, FR) conference interpretation: Résistances des femmes autochtones dans les Amériques : dialogues, réflexions et actions

Health and Harm Reduction

Youth rex : Event interpretation: Beyond Invisible: Black Youth Mental Health

Community Based Research Centre : ENG>FR, ESP Translation of outreach material and research documents, including the survey for the Dépistage@domicile project: Spanish and French as well as the Future of PrEP is Now in French and Spanish

Canadian Drug Policy Coalition – Stimulus: ENG<>FR Interpretation for the  Drug Resource and Education Project: A Holistic Approach to Drug Checking

Labour and organizing

Confédération des syndicats nationaux: ENG, ESP Translation of different material, and FR<>ESP interpretation during workplace health and safety training sessions

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW): ENG>FR, ESP Written translation of the collective agreement

Briarpatch magazine: ENG>FR Translation of « C’est un régime de terreur »

Syndicat des assistants d’enseignement et de recherche de Concordia (SAREC): Website translation

Land-Based Struggles, Human Rights and the Environment

Literature and the arts

Tenk: ENG>FR Subtitles: The Making of a Judge, Soop on Wheels, Dah Dzahge Nodeside

Siminovitch Prize Foundation 2022: FR<>ENG Subtitles of a short video

Cinéma sous les étoiles: ENG>FR Subtitles: Eatnameamet – Our Silent Struggle

M Mucyo: FR>ENG Translation and FR revision: A collection of texts and poems

Social and Solidarity Economy

Réseau Coop: ENG>FR Translation: Boussole entrepreuneuriale

Conseil de la coopération de l’Ontario /Association of Cooperative Educators: Trilingual interpretation (FR, ENG, ESP) of the ACE Institute conference

Conseil québécois en coopération et mutualité : Franco-Québécois and English adaptations of the hymn Bi Hanka

Fédération canadienne des coopératives de travail : FR>ENG Translation:  Formation Parcours Coop